Tuesday, October 7, 2014

People say they are having fun ...

There are a lot of people in today's society that say "I'm sure having fun". But if you ask them about what kind of person they are they say "I'm generally a very sad person.", interesting!  A quote from Discover the Word Ministry

Friday, August 8, 2014

Real Joy Gal. 5:22,23. From the fathers heart

Fretful Freedom Fighter,

Shall I tell you about real joy?  Joy begins by knowing Me and then it's multiplied by taking an interest in people ~ not things, conditions or acquisitions.  And happiness never just happens.  No, happiness is a result ~ a by product.  One feels it by receiving My love and joy, and then giving them away.  Happiness is a choice.  A man or women must decide to be happy ~ now.  Had it ever come to your mind that most unhappiness stems from ingratitude and failure to take pleasure in the gifts one already has?

Child, when will you learn to joy in the midst of all  circumstances?  If they be hard, delightful, or perhaps just suddenly difficult ~ lay hold of contentment and take joy as My gift!  It is My gift, for contentment comes not by external conditions ~ it is the fruit of exercising confidence in Me.

Again, happiness is a choice!  So, in a very important sense, to choose happiness is to choose heaven.  Will you choose it now?  Be happy!  Find reasons to rejoice and make opportunities to relieve the suffering of others.  Learn to be content in every circumstance - including this present one. Decide and begin now to practice continual praise! Your joy will overflow, I promise.

By the way you are obviously right about one thing ... I have not answered some of your prayers, for I have deliberately ignored you're pleased that I shorten your earthly days and immediately transform you to heaven. And you should be grateful that I have. Honestly, child. You have no idea what you were asking. I mean, in your recent frame of mind your presence here would hardly have proven a blessing to you - or to any of the rest of us, for that matter!

Truly but tenderly,


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

First things first ~ Isa. 32 "From the Father's Heart"

Devoted Disciple
As I have promised, you will see the King reigning in the glory!  You will recognize the true reign of Christ and His Church when His chosen ones no longer strive and quibble about words, but walk in the power of Kingdom love.  When the world can look to a member of Our household as a mighty rock providing cool shade and protection, or as a stream springing forth in a parched desert, the reign of My Son will then be self evident obviously obvious and undeniably undeniable.
Now do you see why I have been allowing you these opportunities to show patience and forgiveness? I have been answering your prayers. Do you not remember? I do. You have repeatedly prayed for love, unity and cooperation among the members of Our House, and, naturally, I have begun the work in you. As you are discovering, no one is more dedicated to the principle of "first things first" then I...
Be of good cheer, for despite your doubts, you are progressing better than you think. And be comforted in the knowledge that your brothers and sisters are undergoing the very same training throughout the world. As I have told you, the Church and the world are on the brink of an unprecedented wave of My glory and power. At present, I AM making you ready as My chosen redeemer, along with many others. In the meantime, will you be patient with yourself? With them? And with me? I am! 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Prayer for self healing

While writing my curriculum I came across a prayer that I thought was helpful for all when we are struggling with how to forgive ourselves and others and how to heal.  Of course to dig deeper you can write some ideas about ... "what is the hardest part of forgiveness for me (of myself, of others)".

Dear Lord,

  Please help me, To accept others as the are; To understand shortcomings and make allowances for them; To work patiently for improvements in myself; To appreciate what people do right, not criticize what they do wrong; To be slow to anger, slow to speak, and quick to listen; To rise above the hard falls I have had; To live with my broken dreams; and To dare to dream again!  AMEN
May God heal you of your broken heart from broken dreams and help you set your eyes on new dreams and a bright and prosperous future!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A must have natural health web site.

Check out the products and the testimonies!  Here's to your health!
